

Read more on What Is Dental Plaque & How to Get Rid of It
TagsOral Health

What Is Dental Plaque & How to Get Rid of It

You’ve likely heard the term dental plaque used during your regular dental checkups, but do you know what it means? Understanding what dental plaque is and what it means for your overall oral health is important, as it can lead to cavities and other dental problems if it is not properly removed. Plaque is an…

Read more on Why Your Gums Might Hurt When Brushing Your Teeth
TagsOral Health

Why Your Gums Might Hurt When Brushing Your Teeth

If you’ve ever experienced any soreness, tenderness, or sometimes bleeding, in your gums after brushing your teeth, you’re not alone. There are lots of people who experience the same discomfort, and because it is such a common occurrence, many people don’t think much of it. While it might be tempting to just brush off gum…

Read more on Farewell From Joanne
TagsNews and Announcements

Farewell From Joanne

If you have received this letter it means that you have been important to me during my time as a dental hygienist working with Dr. Jung and Dr. Marino at Enamel Dental Centre. If your last appointment with me landed between April 1st and June 18th, 2021, you may already know that this past year…

Read more on 4 Ways to Maintain Healthy Gums
TagsOral Health

4 Ways to Maintain Healthy Gums

When it comes to maintaining good oral health, it isn’t just your teeth that you need to worry about. Even if you are cavity-free and have beautiful pearly whites, you still need to protect yourself from gum disease. Gum disease starts when you get plaque buildup both along and under the gum line, and since…

Read more on What Are The 3 Main Types of Cavities?
TagsCavities, Oral Health

What Are The 3 Main Types of Cavities?

Cavities and tooth decay are some of the most common dental problems that people experience and are especially common in children, teenagers and older adults. Cavities are caused by a number of different factors including frequent snacking, drinking sugary drinks, and not cleaning your teeth well. If they aren’t treated, cavities can get large and…